Category Archives: Clouds

June 2020

There were some glorious skies this month – colours and unusual cloud patterns. For once there was a nice sunset at the solstice on the 20th June.

Also posted in Perth, Skies Tagged , , |

May 2020

May turned out to be the driest calendar month on record with lots of sun. It was very pretty and varied: mists, beams of sun, frost, colourful skies and all the time the plants were greening and flowering.

Also posted in Countryside, Flowers, Perth, Skies, Weather Tagged , , |

April 2020

Sadly, April turned out to be unique in the world’s history as at least one quarter of the planet’s population was asked to remain at home to prevent the spread of the dangerous Covid-19 virus and many, many people died. Weather wise it was a beautiful month, much less poluted than usual. We had daily daybreak walks in our local park and really appreciated spring blossoming.

Also posted in Flowers, Gardens, Perth, Trees Tagged , , , , |

February 1st 2020

A feeling of spring – snowdrops out, birds singing in the trees, colourful slate grey skies, a shower of rain, light on the land and well illuminated chimney pots!

Also posted in Animals, Countryside, Flowers, Perth, Skies, Weather Tagged , , |

January 2020 – colourful skies and snow

January 2020 brought clouds, some colourful skies at dawn and dusk and finally, late in the month, a morning of snow.

Also posted in Countryside, Perth, Photography, Skies, Trees Tagged , , , |

December Colours

Low sunlight in December makes many colourful scenes.

Winter sun fade
Also posted in Perth, Skies, Uncategorized, Weather Tagged , , |


In June the setting sun is in the north west illuminating the land in a way we don’t normally see. This is the River Tay looking northwest from Kinnoull Hill, Perth being lit by crepuscular rays from the setting sun.

Also posted in Countryside, Perth, Skies Tagged , , |


In March I visited an exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci drawings in Glasgow’s lovely Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. There was low lighting to protect these wonderful old works and they proved impossible to photo without my own image appearing – so I went with the flow composed a selfie composite of myself in Da Vinci’s ‘A deluge’ which was drawn in 1517 or 1518.

Also posted in Art, Exhibitions


In the small hours of 21st January 2019 there was a total eclipse of the moon visible from where I live, weather permitting! It was forecast to be cloudy so I didn’t stay up but set an alarm for just before the greatest totality at 5.12am and then woke anyway. There was an eerie orange glow in the sky, no moon visible and then I saw it looking like a copper coloured planet, not the bright shining disc we normally see. An arresting sight. It had to be photographed but it was so dark: 30 seconds exposure as wide as my lens would open at ISO 100 – useless because of motion blur due to the relative movement of the moon and the earth. The ISO had to go up to 1000 to give a reasonably sharp but grainy image. I got a couple of pictures and hoped to do a sequence every 10 minutes until the eclipse ended – but clouds intervened. I almost gave up then the clouds partially parted and eventually I managed a reasonable sequence until just before the end of the eclipse when the moon disappeared behind thick cloud. I was groggy the next day and slow to function but it was worth it!

Also posted in Photography, Science, Skies, Uncategorized, Weather Tagged , , |


For once we had a sunrise on the first of January!

Also posted in Outdoor events, Perth, Skies, Weather