Category Archives: Clouds

January 2023

In the middle of January we had a few days of remarkably clear atmospheric conditions. The snow clad mountains of the highlands to the west and north of Perth looked close enough to touch!

Also posted in Countryside, Perth, Weather, Winter Tagged , , |

October 2022

October continued the trend of wet weather with much mist and cloud forming on the hills. Autumn colours developed and there were bursts of sunshine.

Also posted in Countryside, Skies, Trees, Weather Tagged , |

April 2022

At the beginning of the month we stayed in a holiday house right on the shore of loch Ewe. The weather was wonderfully variable so we saw the surroundings in all lights – including the aurora and light from a heather fire in the distance.

Also posted in Seaside, Skies, Weather Tagged |

July 2021 Summer cloud

In July we had some cloud on the ground mornings and went for a forest walk around Binn Hill above the River Tay. Summer mists rather than autumn mists.

Also posted in Countryside, Trees Tagged , , , |

June 2021 at the beach.

On the first sunny day of summer we went to the seaside for the fist time in a long time. We walked some of the Fife Coastal Path between Elie and St Monans. So much blue sky and sea!

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Craigie Chimney Pots

The skies have been blue grey recently which contrasts nicely with the terracotta and biscuit colours of chimney stacks in Perth. These photos are of just some of the chimneys in one street in the Craigie area of Perth. They are all different!

Also posted in Chimneys, Perth, Skies Tagged , |

April 2021

April was a month of bright blue skies, clouds, showers and rainbows. Buds and blossoms bloomed. We particularly enjoyed walks by the River Tay as we could see through the bare tree branches to the river banks.

Also posted in Countryside, Perth, Skies, Trees Tagged , , |

March 2021

March was a cold month with some dramatic skies but gradually the vegetation got greener and blossoms appeared.

Also posted in Countryside, Flowers, Perth, Skies Tagged , |

January 2021

January was a true winter month with frost, snow and atmospheric skies.

Also posted in Countryside, Perth, Trees, Weather, wildlife Tagged |

December 2020

I always enjoy photography in December: the low angled light brings out textures, the skies are frequently colourful, the atmosphere still and there are the treasures of frost, snow and inquisitive garden robins.

Also posted in Countryside, Photography, Skies, Weather